Student projects

Analysis of pathophysiologic signals in hydrocephalus

Project overview

The core task of this interdisciplinary master thesis project at the interface of physiology and biomedical engineering is the processing and analysis of invasively acquired pressure signals in various compartments of the body. It is part of a joint research endeavor with the ETH Zurich Product Development Group.


A disturbance of the balance between production, passage, and resorption of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can lead to hydrocephalus, a condition treatable by the placement of a CSF shunt. Most shunt systems consist of two cathethers  with a differential pressure valve placed in between. The proximal cathether is placed in one of the brain’s lateral ventricles, and the distal one in the peritoneal space (ventriculoperitoneal shunting). Today’s shunt systems show drainage fluctuations and can overdrain, in particular when the patient’s body position changes.

Project aim

Our aim is to improve our understanding of the pathophysiologic processes of hydrocephalus by analyzing pressure recordings in various body compartments.

Project Information

Type: Master thesis

Project start: Open now

Prerequisites: Background in medicine or engineering

For further information or to apply, please contact

Dr. Britta Bausch (The Interface Group)


Dr. Marianne Schmid Daners (ETHZ Product Development Group)