Cognitive biases
in: Education, Popular Science, Researchon July 2, 2018You certainly know drawings like those shown below. They are optical illusions, and are designed to deceive our visual perception. Multiple forms of illusions exist. Exact categorization on an objective level is difficult, however, because the illusions result from a combination of physical properties of the stimuli, physiologic characteristics of visual perception, and, most importantly, traits of the cognitive system as a whole.
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Love and Mathematics?
in: Philosophyon May 15, 2018Those who have never wanted to predict how their love story could evolve throw the first stone! As a computer science nerd, I have always been amazed by the unpredictable side of love or even friendship.
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Success is where preparation meets opportunity
in: Philosophyon October 20, 2017Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Replace luck with success, and for work in R&D I strongly agree with this piece of wisdom. It is (disputedly) attributed to Seneca the Younger (L. Annaeus Seneca, 4 BC – AD 65).
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A trip to the Microtomography Beamline ID19 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
in: Researchon July 11, 2017When I tell people that I went to a synchrotron to perform X-ray phase contrast micro-computed tomography, among the questions I get are “What’s a synchrotron?” and “Why can’t you use a normal micro-CT machine?”
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Crack a presentation 101
After some time in academia you realize that getting people to understand your research is as important as the scientific methodology you have used. And this is even more true when you are trying to secure funding for your future research. There are many ways in which you can convey your message, through journal publications, reports and presentations.