Blog: Protocols

  • How can I use my BibTeX library in MS Word?

    by: in: Protocols, Researchon November 21, 2016

    The goal of any research is to extend the knowledge about something. However, it would be stupid and infeasible to start from scratch in every research project. So, what we usually do to create something new is to combine our own thoughts with what was previously discovered and published by others. Therefore, an important element of any scientific text are citations of previous publications.

  • Water cooled coffee bean grinding and how things taking longer can open up new possibilities

    by: in: Protocolson September 29, 2016

    Time is money, so the saying goes, so a lot of resources are spent in every aspect of life on making things go faster. However, this is also valid in reverse – one can often save a lot of resources if one is able and willing to wait. I could buy a computer doing the calculations twice as fast, or I could just wait twice as long.

  • Preparing MATLAB figures for publication

    by: in: Protocols, Researchon April 4, 2016

    For us researchers, writing documentation and preparing manuscripts for publication is a large part of our work. And often, the most important parts of our written documents are the figures that visualize the data we generated. As my tool of choice for most calculations is Matlab, most of my data ends up in the Matlab workspace at some point and gets plotted from there. In order to prepare Matlab figures for publication, some modifications should be made to the figures. In the following, I will explain the main steps I usually take.

  • Science is in everyday life – illustrated on the example of cold extraction of coffee

    by: in: Popular Science, Protocolson March 11, 2016

    There is this perception, most often seen in movies, that science is something only conducted in dedicated laboratories solely by highly trained professionals (or crazy people, especially if it’s a horror movie).

    However, natural science is simply finding patterns in nature leading to reproducible results.
