Journal articles

Analysis of L-leucine amino acid transporter species activity and gene expression by human blood brain barrier hCMEC/D3 model reveal potential LAT1, LAT4, B0AT2 and y+LAT1 functional cooperation

In the CNS, amino acid (AA) neurotransmitters and neurotransmitter precursors are subject to tight homeostatic control mediated by blood-brain barrier (BBB) solute carrier amino acid transporters (AATs). Since the BBB is composed of multiple closely apposed cell types and opportunities for human in vivo studies are limited, we used in vitro and computational approaches to investigate human BBB AAT activity and regulation. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) of the human BBB endothelial cell model hCMEC/D3 (D3) was used to determine expression of selected AAT, tight junction (TJ), and signal transduction (ST) genes under various culture conditions. L-leucine uptake data were interrogated with a computational model developed by our group for calculating AAT activity in complex cell cultures. This approach is potentially applicable to in vitro cell culture drug studies where multiple “receptors” may mediate observed responses. Of 7 Leu AAT genes expressed by D3 only the activity of SLC7A5-SLC3A2/LAT1-4F2HC (LAT1), SLC43A2/LAT4 (LAT4) and sodium-dependent AATs, SLC6A15/B0AT2 (B0AT2), and SLC7A7/y+LAT1 (y+LAT1) were calculated to be required for Leu uptake. Therefore, D3 Leu transport may be mediated by a potentially physiologically relevant functional cooperation between the known BBB AAT, LAT1 and obligatory exchange (y+LAT1), facilitative diffusion (LAT4), and sodium symporter (B0AT2) transporters.

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M. Taslimifar, M. Faltys, V. Kurtcuoglu, F. Verrey, V. Makrides. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 42(1), 90 - 103 (2022). doi: 10.1177/0271678X211039593