Isabelle Rudolf Master Student
Short Biography
Isabelle was a biology student from the University of Zurich who joined the Interface Group in August 2018 for her Master thesis in Quantitative Biology and Systems Biology. She developed a virtual reality environment as a teaching tool for cardiovascular physiology, including short-term renal blood pressure regulation.
Open PhD position
March 19, 2025
We have an open funded PhD position in the general area of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics and spinal cord injury, in collaboration with the Spinal Cord Injury Center Group at Balgrist University Hospital.
February 13, 2025
"Affording reusable data: Recommendations for researchers from a data-intensive project" was published in Scientific Data . more
New article published
“ Affording reusable data: Recommendations for researchers from a data-intensive project” co-authored by Vartan Kurtcuoglu was published in Scientific Data .
January 20, 2025
"Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics and subarachnoid space occlusion following traumatic spinal cord injury in the pig: An investigation using magnetic resonance imaging" was published in Fluids Barriers CNS . more
New article published
“Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics and subarachnoid space occlusion following traumatic spinal cord injury in the pig: An investigation using magnetic resonance imaging” co-authored by Vartan Kurtcuoglu was published in Fluids Barriers CNS .
August 28, 2024
"Cerebrospinal fluid pressure dynamics across the intra- and postoperative setting: Retrospective study of a spine surgery cohort" was published in Elsevier more
New article published
“Cerebrospinal fluid pressure dynamics across the intra- and postoperative setting: Retrospective study of a spine surgery cohort” was published by Najmeh Kheram et al. in Elsevier